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Introducing the new Study Page

04 April 2018

Since joining Jisc, the Call for Participants service has undergone some fundamental changes. Today, we are announcing our biggest one yet - the entirely new Study Page. The study page will form part of our new line-up of paid-for products that will form the core of the new CfP product offer.

Yes, that means that listing your research on Call for Participants is no longer free, but it also means that we can bring you new features and improve existing ones that you already love. And the best part is, that if your faculty or university buys either the new Group or Noticeboard product, you, the individual researcher, can still list your study for free.

Meet the new Study Page

Without further ado, here's the new Study Page. It continues to boast many of the features you already know and love including:

  • 1-click recruitment poster creation
  • Statistics monitoring
  • Promotion tools
  • Preview link
  • Participant requirements filtering
  • Live Chat support
  • Dedicated help centre
  • and more!

To add to this, we are adding new features:

  • Email notification sent to potential participant matches
  • CfP promotion
  • Money-back guarantee

Email notification

When you publish a new study page on Call for Participants, we will now automatically send your study to people who have opted to be part of our participant pool, and who might be eligible for taking part in your research. This is a great way to immediately make an impact on your recruitment efforts.

CfP promotion

We will now post all new published Study Pages* on our social media channels to try to get your research the maximum exposure it deserves. We will be using all the tricks in the book to try to reach as wide an audience as possible and over time, will be integrating the same methods into the promotional tools we offer to you.

* only if you have given us the permission to do so when setting up your study

Money-back guarantee

We put our money where our mouth is. If you've purchased a Study Page* and manage to recruit less than 10 participants, we will refund you for your purchase. No harm, no foul!

* not applicable to studies published under Group, Noticeboard, or any Commercial Access license.

So what are you waiting for?

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About us

Call For Participants' mission is to provide a secure and trusted connection between researchers and participants, helping to increase public engagement and build a community of individuals interested in sharing and contributing to academic research. Learn more